The Tapered House demands attention but does so subtly, catching the eye of the passer-by, more by force of presence than by loud ostentations.
It is designed to be a ‘home’ for the owners, a place where they can imagine creating memories, adding to each space, their own individual touch.
​The spaces are alive; they are moving and talking and take the residents and visitors on a journey as they meander through the house.
Reminiscent of an older, simpler era, yet contemporary in spirit, Residence 2105 is essentially an extension to an existing residence.
The language for the interiors of the residence became synonymous with an effortless transition from the old to the new, designed keeping in mind basic simplicity and inherent character of material and forms.
Slayback Pharma, an American Start-up Pharma Company, wanted to set up a vibrant office space in Hyderabad which would host 40 employees in a contemporary, corporate setting also wanted to showcase its ‘Indian connection’ in a modern setting. This connection, hence, took centre stage in the development of the concept behind the interior spaces. The space, in effect, was to denote the enthusiasm with which this young company is making progress in the industry at such a nascent stage.
An absolute delight to design for a newborn who was yet to arrive in this world and make this apartment a home.
Our protagonist, Sabr is now almost a year old, and it was about this this time last year when we started work on the apartment for her welcome.